911-Only Emergency Cellular Phone AC

911-Only Emergency Cellular Phone AC

The 911-Only Emergency Cellular Phone AC is a vandal-resistant and maintenance free approach for a pool phone that requires no phone service fee because it makes free 911 calls. Requires AC power.

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  • $439.00

The 911-Only Emergency Cellular Phone AC is a vandal-resistant and maintenance-free approach for a pool phone that requires no phone service fee because it makes free 911 calls. The water-tight enclosure has 3 mounting holes with gaskets, easy-to-install enclosure mounting hardware, and a rubber AC line in the cable port to the internal 120 VAC power module. This system is maintenance-free yet does require a 120-volt AC line into the enclosure.

Includes: Portable Emergency 911 Digital Cell Phone with new lithium-ion cell phone battery, AC Charger, water-tight Nema 3X enclosure, door snap latch, 9 tamper-resistant latch seals (with low effort tear off in case of emergency), theft-resistant stainless steel cables (inside the enclosure to phone), laminated easy operation instructions with anti-theft warning message located inside of the enclosure and emergency 911 phone label on outside of enclosure. Also includes GPS Location Technology that allows the 911 answering point to identify your location.

-Emergency 911 Digital Cellular Phone
-GPS Location Technology
-Allows the 911 answering point to identify your location
-Construction meets NEMA/EEMAC Type 3X, (waterproof corrosion protected)
-Makes free emergency 911 cellular phone calls (digital cell phone meets new FCC requirements)
-No monthly cellular phone bills
-No contracts required, ever
-No expensive phone landline-Absolutely no service fees associated with these emergency phone systems
-This life-saving device and free service is completely legal in the United States

The FCC rulings mandate that cellular phones without a monthly service contract be able to make free 911 calls. This is all possible because these 911 cellular phones are programmed to meet the new FCC 911 cellular rules effective December 1, 1997. These new FCC rules mandate that cellular phones without a monthly service contract be able to make free 911 calls anywhere in the US. The FCC cellular 911 ruling takes effect December 1, 1997, and requires carriers to accept 911 calls from non-validated phones (not activated with a monthly service contract) and forward the cellular 911 call to the local public safety answering point PSAP (911 answering center). To place an emergency cellular 911 call, press the number 911 and then press the send button. These are the toughest cellular phones and protective waterproof cases around. This Emergency “911 only” cellular phone is programmed so it is identified as a 911 phone with the FCC-approved program code/phone number. This “911 only” emergency phone does not allow incoming calls and lacks call-back capability from the 911 Public Safety Answering Point PSAP. These phones are electronically re-manufactured to meet the manufacturer's specifications. All phones are cosmetically refurbished to remove scratches, dents, cracks, worn or missing parts and are thoroughly cleaned. Additionally, all batteries are new to ensure the longevity of the phone.

***Cannot be used in the states of North Carolina & South Carolina***

Please check with your local inspector to ensure a cellular unit is acceptable in your area. The user assumes all responsibility.

    • SKU
    • Weight
      7 lbs
    • Dimensions (L x W x H)
      14 x 12 x 10 inches
  • Manufacturer
    G-TEL Enterprises, Inc.
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